PLANT PATHOLOGY :- Principles of Plant Pathology

Micro pipette

Use : to measure very small amount of chemicals /water.

Disposable plastic tips
Use : To transfer the measured volume of liquid. Tips are attached to the shaft of the micropipette.

Test tube
 Use : for making the slant of media, for sub-culturing and to  maintain the pure culture in test tube on slant.

Test tube stand
Usefor keeping the test tube and easy to pour the media.

 Pipette stand
Use : to keep the pipettes

Slant board
 Use for slanting the media in the test tubes

Conical flask
Use : For growing culture

 Non-absorbent cotton/sterilised cotton bundle
Use : for plugging flasks/test tubes.
why it is used for making a plug? :- it facilitate the entry of filtered air and keeps the content free from contamination.
Contribution of G.F.Schroder & T.Von Dusch : he use cotton for plugging. The basic technique of plugging bacterial cultures with cotton plugs was initiated.

Petri dish
Use :  Use for isolation and growing the culture in the laboratory condition.
Description : Petridishes are pair of two dishes, one serving as pan and the other as lid. The lid cover the pan in such a way ‘covered glass dishes’ consisting of a base and a lid. They are used to grow microbes on semi-solid agar media. 
Who develop it? R.J.Petri: he discovered a shallow flat bottomed dish with a flat cover into which he poured melted called as ‘petri dish’. 
Common size : 90 mm in diameter


Petri dish box
Use : to keep the petri dish for sterilization in hot air oven.

Wire loop/ inoculating loop

Use : it is most commonly used tools for inoculation of culture in petri dish/test tube (aseptic transfer).

Description :  An inoculating loop consists of an insulated handle provided with screw device at the top which holds a heat resistance nichrome or platinum wire, approximately three inches long. The wire end is bent round to form a loop. For making the bacterial smear on glass slide , and to streak the bacterial cultures on media. The loop is mainly used to transfer(sub-culture) from liquid drop being held across the loop area by surface tensions.


Use : to hold the things and to help in isolation process while, transferring the diseased section/bits on media in petri plate.

 Spirit lamp

Use : for sterilization of needle, scalpel, forceps etc.

Wattman’s filter paper 
Use : to filter the cultures/chemicals etc.

Seitz filter

Use : for filtration of amino acids/vitamins etc.

Wire brush
Use : To clean flasks, test tube etc.

Wash bottle
Use : for washing disease specimens, to wash the extra stains on glass slide.

Reagent bottle

Use : for keeping the chemicals/reagents.

Dropping bottle
Use: to put drop of water/stain on disease section on glass slide.

Use : To control the light intensity coming from the mirror and focus the section on the slide

Eye piece
Use : to magnify/observe the microbes on the slide

Objective lense
Use : To magnify the object on slide

Microscope Mirror
Use : To provide the light to glass slide for observing the microbes

 Slide holder
Use: To hold the glass slide on stage of microscope.

Glass Slide
Use : To take section of diseased plant tissues/microbes and observe under microscope
Size : 75mm × 25mm rectangular slide

Cover slip
Use : to cover the section/pathogen for easy observation under the microscope.
Size : there are different types of coverslips are used like square, rectangular and circle and also are in different size, but mostly square coverslips with the size of 20mm × 20mm or 18 mm × 18 mm used. The thickness of coverslip should not exceed 0.016 mm

Watch glass

Useto keep diseased section.

Tissue paper 
Use : for cleaning glass wares/hands etc.

Glass rod

Use : to mix the material uniformly.

Glass jar
Use : For wet preservation of disease specimens.

Paraffin wax

Use : for sealing the glass jar in wet preservation

Use : for creating humidity Chamber.


Use : for measuring the water/chemicals.

Measuring cylinder

Use : for measuring the water/chemicals.


Use : for pouring the media/chemicals.

PH strip

Use : for measure the PH of the solutions/media/chemicals.

PH meter

Use : To measure the PH of the solution

Weighing balance
Use : for weighing the accurate quantity of chemicals etc.


Hot plate

Use : To melt the medium or to make the material hot

 Pestle & Mortar
Use : for grinding the tissues.

Hand atomizer
Use : for spraying the inoculum/ chemicals on the plant.

Disease Herbarium board
Use : for pressing and drying the disease specimens.

Naphthalene balls
Use : Used in preservation of herbarium in the plant pathological laboratoty

Use : for cutting the disease materials.

Plastic Syringe
Use : For injecting the inoculum in the host

Potassium di-chromate
Chemical formula : K2Cr2O7. 
Use : to prepare the cleaning solution. It is not only clean the glass wares but also destroy the spore forming organisms.


Citrus Canker

Citrus Gummosis

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